Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION. 359 way than formerly you have done. But if earth be better than heaven, then keep it, and make your best of it, and follow it still. Are you resolved what to do? If you be not, I will set a few more considerations before you. Consider, first, what preparations mercy has made for your salvation ; and what pity it is that any man should be damned after all this ! God has made to thee a free act of oblivion, and a free deed of gift of Christ and life, and offers it to thee, and entreats thee to accept it ; and it may be thine if thou wilt. For he was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, and bath committed unto us the word of reconcilia- tion. Sinners, we are commanded to deliver this message to you all, as from the Lord, Come, for all things are now ready.(s) Are all things ready, and are you unready? God is ready to pardon all that you have done against him, if you will but come. As long as you have sinned, as wilfully as you have sinned, as heinously as you have sinned, he is ready to cast all behind bis back, if you will but come. Though you have been prodigals, and run away from God, and have staid so long, he is ready to meet you, and em- brace you in his arms, if you will but turn. Even the swinish drunkards may find God ready to bid them welcome, if they will but come. Does not this turn thy heart within thee? O sinner, if thou have a heart of flesh, and not of stone, methinks this should melt it. Shall the dreadful infinite Majesty of heaven wait for thy returning, and be ready to_ receive thee, who hast abused him, and forgotten him so long? Shall he delight in thy conversion, who might at any time glorify his justice in thy damnation : and yet does it not melt thy heart within thee, `and art thou not yet ready to come in ? Hast thou not as much reason to be ready to come, as God has to invite thee and bid thee welcome? Christ has done his part upon the cross, and made such way for thee to the Father, that on his account (s) Luke xiv. 17.