Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

3'6'2 DIItECTION's AND PEICSUASIONS: unmeet a match art thou for God ! It is a fearfurthing lo, fixll into his hands ;(v) and therefore it is a fearful thing to contend with him, or to resist him. As you love your own souls, take heed what you do. What will you say, if 'he begin in wrath to plead with you ? -. What will you do, if he take you once in hand? Will you then strive against his judgment, as now ye dò against his grace ? Who would set the briars and thorns against me in battle ? I would go through them, I would burn them together. Or let him take hold, of my strength, that he may make peace with me, and he shall make peace with me." It is an unequal combat for the briars and stubble to make war with the fire. You see who it is that calls you,. Consider also by what instruments, and how often and how earnest - lÿ he does it. 1: Every leaf of the blessed book of God has as it were a voice, and calls out, Turn and live ; turn, or thou wilt die. How canst thou open it,. or read a leaf, or hear a chapter, and not perceive God bids thee turn? 2. The voice of many a motion of the Spirit secret - ly urges thee to turn. 3. The voice of conscience. Art thou not some- times convinced that all is not well with thee ? and does not thy conscience tell thee, that thou must be a new man, and take a new course ? 4. The voice of all the works of God. For they also are God's books, that teach thee this lesson, by showing thee this greatness, and wisdom, and good- Bess, and calling thee to observe 'them, and admire the Creator. " The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth his handy-work. Day unto day a ttereth speech, and night unto night showeth know - ledge. "(w) Even time the sun rises upon thee, it calls thee to turn ; as if it should say, What do I travel and compass the world for, but to declare to men the glory of their 'Maker, and to light them to do his work ? And do I still find thee doing the work of sin; (V) Heb. x. 31. (w) Pssl. xix. 1, 2.