Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CON VERSION. 363 and sleeping out thy life in negligence? Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. 5. The voice of every mercy thou dost possess. If thou couldst but hear and understand them, they all cry unto thee, Turn. .MThy does the earth bear thee, but to seek and serve the Lord ? Why does it afford thee its fruit, but to serve him? Why does the air afford thee breath, but to serve him ? Why do all the creatures serve thee with their labours and their lives, but that thou mightest serve the Lord of them and thee? Why does he give thee time, and health and strength, but to serve him? Why hast thou meat, and drink, and clothes, but for his service? Hast thou any thing which thou hast not received? And if thou didst receive them, it is reason thou shouldst bethink thee, from whom, and to What end, and use, thou didst receive them. Didst thou never cry to him for help in thy distress? And didst thou not then under- stand that it was thy part to turn and serve him, if he would deliver thee? He has done his part, and spared thee yet longer, and tried thee another and another year ; and yet dost thou not turn ? How many years has God looked for the fruits of love and holiness from thee, and has found none ? and yet he has spar- ed thee, How many a time by thy wilful ignorance, and carelessness, and disobedience, hast thou pro- voked justice to say, Cut him down, why cumbereth he the ground? And yet mercy has prevailed, and patience has forborne the killing, damning blow, to this day. If thou hadst the understanding of a marl within thee, thou wouldst know that all this calls thee to turn. 6. Moreover, the voice of every affliction calls thee to make haste and turn. Sickness and pain cry Turn : and poverty, and loss of friends, and every chastising rod, cry Turn ; and yet wilt thou not hearken to the call? 7. Yea, thine own engagements by promise to the Lord, call upon thee to turn and serve him. Thou hast bound thyself to him by a baptismal covenant,