Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION. self, if thou hadst felt that wrath of God but an hour or, if after a thousand or ten thousand years' tor- ment, thou couldst but hear such a word from God as, Turn and live ! And yet wilt thou now neglect it, and suffer us to return without our errand? Behold, sinners, we are sent here as the messengers of the Lord, to set before you life and death : what say you ? which of them will you choose ? Christ stands as it were by thee, with heaven in one hand, and hell in the other, and offers thee thy choice : which wilt thou choose? The voice of the Lord maketh the rocks to tremble. But it is nothing to hear him threaten thee, if thou wilt not turn. Post thou not understand and feel this voice, Turn ye, turn ye; why will ye die? Why, it is the voice of love, of infinite love, of thy best and kindest Friend : and yet canst thou neglect it ? It is the voice of pity and compas- sion. The Lord sees whither thou art going better than thou dost, which makes him call after thee, Turn, turn : he sees what will become of thee, if thou turn not : he thinks with himself Ali, this poor sinner will cast himself into endless torments if he do not turn ; I must in justice deal with him according to my righteous law. And therefore he calls after thee, Turn, turn, O sinner! If thou did but know the thousandth part, as well as God does, of the danger that is near you, and the misery you are running into, we should have no more need to call after you to turn. Well, are you yet resolved, or are you not ? Do I need to say any more to you ? What will you do ? Will you turn or not ? Speak, man, in thy heart to God : speak, lest he take thy silence for denial. Speak quickly, lest he never make thee the like offer more. Speak resolvedly, and not waveringly ; for he will have no indifferents to be his followers. Say in thy heart now, without any more delay, even before thou stir hence, By the grace of God I am resolved presently to turn. And because I know mine own in- sufficiency, I am resolved to wait on God for his grace, and to follow him in his ways, and forsake my former