Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION. 369 is mistaken, when he is for your conversion, and you are against it; he calls upon you to turn, and you will not ; he bids you do it presently, even to -day while it is called to -day, and you delay, and think it time enough hereafter. He says it must be a total change, and you must be holy and new creatures; and you think it is enough to patch up the old man, without be. coming new. Who is in the right now ? God or you ? God calls on you to turn, and to live a holy life, and you will not : by your disobedient lives, it appears you will not. If you will, why do you not? Why havé you not done it all this while? And why do you not fall upon it, yet? Your wills have the command of your lives. We may certainly conclude that you are unwilling to turn, when you do not turn. And why will you not ? Can you give any reason for it, that is worthy to be called a reason. It can be no good reason which is against the God of truth. That cannot be light which is contrary to the sun. There is no knowledge in any creature, but what it had from God ; and therefore none can be wiser than God. It were damnable presumption for the highest angel to compare with his Creator ; what is it then for a lump of dirt, an ignorant sot, that knows not himself, nor his own soul, that knows but little of the things which he sees, to set himself against the wisdom of the Lord ? It is one of the fullest dis- coveries of the horrible wickedness, and the stark madness of sinners, that so silly a mole dare contra- dict his maker, and call in question the word of God. And as I know that God must needs be in the right, so I know the case is so palpable which he pleads against, that no man can have reason for it. Is it possible that a man can have any reason to break his master's laws ? reason to dishonour the Lord of glory ? reason to abuse the Lord that bought him ? Is it possible that a man can have any good reason to damn his own immortal soul? Mark the Lord's question, Turn ye, turn ye ; why will ye die ? is eternal death a thing to be desired? Are you in love with hell? 12 3 A