Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION. 371 that it is not a little mirth, or pleasure, or worldly riches, or honour, that will make him a saver that loses his soul. If you see a man put his hand into the fire till it burn off, you will marvel at it : but this is a thing which a man may have reason for ; as Bishop Cranmer had, when he burnt off his hand for subscribing to popery. If you see a man cut off a leg, or an arm, it is a sad sight: but this is a thing that a man may have good reason for ; as many a man does, to save his life. If you see, a man give his body to be burnt to ashes, and refuse deliverance when it is offered ; this is a hard case to flesh and blood: but this a man may have good reason for; as many hundred martyrs have done. But for a man to run into the fire of hell; this is a thing which can have no reason in the world to justify it. For heaven will pay for the loss of any thing we can lose to get it, or for any labour which we bestow for it. But nothing can pay for the loss of heaven. I beseech you , now, let his word come nearer to your hearts, As you are convinced that you have no reason to destroy yourselves, tell me what reason have you to refuse to turn, and live to God? What reason has the most ignorant careless sinner of you all, why he should not be as careful of his soul as any other? Will not hell be as hot to you as to others? Should not your own souls be as dear to you, as theirs to them? Has not God as much authority over you? Why then will you not become a sanctified people, as well as they ? And now either you have reason for what you do, or you have not. If not, will you go on against reason itself? But if you think you have, reason the case a little with me, your fellow creature, which is far easier than to reason the case with God. Tell me, man, here before the Lord, as if thou wert to die this hour, why shouldst thou not resolve to turn this day, before thou stir from the place thou standest in? What rea- son hast thou to deny, or to delay ? Hast thou any