Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

372 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS reason that 'satisfies thine own conscience for it? Or any that thou darest plead at the bar of God? If thou hast, let us hear them, bring them forth. But, alas ! what nonsense, instead of reasons, do we daily hear from ungodly men. 1. One says, If none shall be saved but such sanc- tified ones as you talk of; heaven will be but empty : god help a great many. -What ! It seems yôu think that God does not know, or else that he is not to be believed! ; Measure not all by yourselves : God has thousands and millions of his sanctified ones; but yet they are few in comparison of the world. It better becomes you to make that use of this truth which Christ teaches you : Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it ; but wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be that go in thereat. Object. 2. I arri sure if such as I go to hell, we, shall have store of company. Ans. And will that be any ease or comfort to ,you ? or do you think YOU May not have company enough in heaven ? Will you be undone for company ? Or will you not believe that God will execute his threat - enings, because there are so many that are guilty ? Object. 3. But I, am no -whoremonger, nor drunk- arde nor oppressor ; and therefore why should you call upon me to be converted? Ans. As if you were not born after the flesh, and not lived after the flesh, as well as others ! Is it not as,great a sin as any of these, for a man to have an earthly mind, and to love the world above God, and to have an unbelieving, unhumbled heart? Nay; let me tell you more, that many persons who avoid dis- graceful sins, are fast glued to the world, and as much slaves to the flesh, and as great strangers to God, and averse to heaven, as others are in their more shameful notorious sins. Object. 4. But I . mean nobody any harm; nor