Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION. 373 do any harm ; and why then should God condemn me? Ans. Is it no harm to neglect the Lord that made thee, and the work for which thou earnest in- to the world, and to prefer the creature before the Creator, and to neglect grace which is daily offered thee? It is the depth of thy sinfulness to be so insen- sible of it : the dead feel not that they are dead. If once thou wert alive, thou wouldst see enough amiss in thyself, and marvel at thyself for making so light of it. Object. 5. I think you would make men mad, un- der pretence of converting them,. Ans. I. Can you be madér than you are already ? or, at least can there be a more dangerotas madness, than to neglect your everlasting welfare, and wilfully undo yourselves? A man is never well in his wits till he be convert- ed; he never knows God, nor knows sin, nor knows Christ, nor knows the world, nor himself; nor what his business is on earth, so as to set himself about it. Is it a wise world, when men will run into hell for fear of being out of their wits ? 2. What is there in the work which Christ calls you to, that should drive a man out of his senses? Is it the loving God, and calling upon him, and thinking of glory to come and the forsaking our sins, and loving one another, and delighting ourselves in the service of God ? Are these such things as make men mad? 3. And whereas you say that these matters are too high for us; are the matters which we are made for, and which we live for, too high for us to meddle with? This is plainly to unman us, and to make beasts of us, as if we were like them that must meddle with no higher matters than what belong to flesh and earth. If heaven be too high for you to think on, it will be too high for you ever to possess. 4. If God should sometimes suffer any weak -head- ed persons to be distracted by thinking of eternal