Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

574 DIRECTIONS AND PPRSUASIONS things; this is because they misunderstand them, and run without a guide. But of the two, I had rather be in the ease of such a one, than in that of the mad un- converted world, who take their distraction to be their wisdom. Object. 6. I do not see that it goes any better with those that are so godly, than with other men. They are as poor, and in as much trouble, as others. Ans. And perhaps ,in much more, when God sees it meet. They take not earthly, prosperity for their wages. They have laid up their treasures in another world, or else they are not Christians. The less they have, the more is behind ; and they are content to wait till then. Object. ;'. When you have said all that you can, I am resolved to hope well, and trust in God, and do as well as I can, and not make so much ado. Ans. I. Is that doing as well as you can, when you will not+turn to God, but your heart is against his holy service ? It is as well as you will, indeed: but that is your misery. 2. My desire is that you should hope in God : but for what is it that you will hope? Is it to be saved, if you turn and be sanctified ? For this you have God's promise; and therefore hope for it, and spare not. But if you hope to be saved without conversion ; this is not to hope in, God, but in Satan. For God has given you no such promise, but told you the contrary :. but it is Satan that made you such promises, and raised you to such hopes.' What say you, Unconverted Sinners ? Have you any good reasòn to give, why you should not turn, and presently turn, with all you. hearts? Or will you go to hell in spite of reason itself? Consider what you do in time, for it will shortly be too late to con - sider. Can you find any fault with God, or his work, or wages? Is he a bad master? Is the devil, whom you serve, a better? Is there any harm in a holy life? is a life of ungodliness better? Do you think in your consciences that it would do you any harm to be con