Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

376 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS being yours, than of all the riches or pleasures of the world? I have had myself but a little taste of the hea- venly pleasures in the fore- thoughts of the blessed day, and in the present persuasion of the love of God in Christ ; but I have taken too deep a draught of earth- ly pleasures : and,yet I must profess, from that little ex- perience, that there is no comparison : there is more joy to be had in a day (if the Sun of life shine clear upon us) in the state of holiness, than in a whole life of sinful pleasures. It is but your unsanctified nature, that makes a holy life seem grievous to you. If you will but turn, the Holy Ghost will give you another nature, and then it would be more pleasant to you to be rid of your sin, than now it is to keep it : and you will then say, that you knew not what a comfortable life was till now, and that it was never well with you till God and holiness were your delight. DOCTRINE VII. If, after all this, men will not turn, it is not the fbult of God that they are condemned, but of themselves, even their own wilfulness. They die because they will die; that is, because they will not turn. IF you will go to hell, what remedy ! God here acquits himself of your blood : it shall not lie on him, if you be lost. A negligent minister may draw it upon himself; and those that encourage you, or hinder you not in sin, may draw it upon themselves but be sure of it, it shall not lie upon God. The Lord says concerning his unprofitable vineyard, Judge, I pray you, betwixt me and my vineyard. What couldhave been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it ?(a) What could he have done more? He has made you men, and endued you with reason : he has fur- nished you with all external necessaries, all creatures (a) Isa. v. 3, 4.