Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION.. 379 Might have had Christ to be your Lord and Saviour, your Head and Husband, as well as others, and you would not, because you felt not yourself sick enough for the physician ; because you could not spare your disease. In your hearts you said as those rebels . We will not have this man to reign over us.(b) Christ would have gathered you under the wings of his salvation, and you would not. What desires of your welfare did the Lord express in his hòly word ! With what compassion did he stand over you, and say, O that my people had hearkened unto me, and that they had walked . in my ways ! O that there was such a heart in this people, that they would fear me, and keep all My commandments always,.that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever ! O that they were wise, that they understood this! and that they would consider their latter end ! He -would have been your God, and done,all for you that your souls could desire: but you loved the world and your flesh above him, and therefore you would not hearken to him.: though you complimented with him, and gave him high titles, yet when it came to the closing you would have none of him. No marvel then if hé gave you -up to your own hearts' lusts, and you walked in your own counsels. He condescends to reason, and pleads the case with you, and asks you, "What is there in me or my service, that you should be so much against me? What harm have I done thee, sinner ? Have I deserved this unkind dealing at tlfy hand? Many mercies have I showed thee: for which of them dost thou thus despise me? Is it I,, or is it Satan; that is thy enemy ? Is it I, or is it thyself, that would' undo thee? Is it a holy life, or a life of sin which thou hast cause to fly from ? If thou be undone, thou pro - curest this to thyself, . by fórsaking me; the, Lord, that. would have saved thee." Do ye thus requite the Lord, O fboli.rh, people, and unwise? Is not he thy father, that hatlr bought thee? Hath he not made thee,' and established thee ?(c). When he saw that yóu forsook (b) Luke xix. 14. (c) Deut. xxxii.,6.