Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION. 381 gives them not grace, and his threatenings are severe, and God forbid that all should be damned that are not converted ; and they think it hard measure that a short sin should have an endless suffering; and if they be damned, they say they cannot help it; when, in the mean time, they are busy about their own destruction, even cutting the throat of their own souls, and will not be persuaded to hold their hands. They think God would be cruel if he should damn them : and yet they are so cruel to themselves, that they will run into the fire of hell, when God has told them it is a little before them ; and neither entreaties nor threatenings, nor any thing that can be said, will stop them. We see them almost undone; their careless worldly lives tell us that they are in the power of the devil; we know, if they die before they are converted, all the 'world cannot save them; and knowing the uncertain- ty of their lives, we are afraid every day lest they drop into the fire. And therefore we entreat them to pity their own souls, and not to undo themselves when mercy is at hand : and they will not hear us. We entreat them to cast away their sin, and come to Christ without delay, and to have some mercy on themselves; but they will have, none. And yet they think that God must be cruel, if he condemn them. O wilful, wretched sinners ! It is not `God that is cruel to you; it is you that are cruel to yourselves. You are told, that you must turn or burn ; and yet you turn not. You are told, that if you will keep your sins, you shall keep the curse of God with them; and yet you will keep them. You'are told, that there is no way to happiness, but by holiness ;' and yet you will not be holy. What would you have God say more to you? What would you have him do with his mercy ? He Offers, it you, and you will not have it. You are in the ditch of sin and misery, and he would give you his hand to help you out, and you refuse his help : he would cleanse you from your sins, and you would rather keep them. Would you have him bring you to heaven whether you will or no ? or would you have him bring you and your sins to heaven