Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVER6ION. 385 But as for man, we know his mind is dark, his sill is perverse, his affections carry him so headlong, that he is fitted by his folly and corruption to,such a work as the destroying of himself. Let no man say when he is tempted, that he is tempted Of God ; for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man, (to draw him to sin,) but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust bath conceived, it bringeth forth sin ;, and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. You see, here that sin is the brat of your own concupiscence, and that death is the Offspring of your own sin, and the fruit which it will yield you as soon as it is ripe.- You have a treasure of evil in yourselves, as a spider bath of poison, from whence you are bringing forth hurt to yourselves, and spinning such webs as entan- gle your own souls. 2. It is evident that you ate your own destroyers, in that you'are so ready to entertain any temptation that is offered.' Satan is scarce readier to move you. to any evil, than you are ready to do as he would have you. If he would tempt _your understanding to error and prejudice, you yield. If he would hin- der you from good resolutions, it is soon done. If he would kindle any vile affection or desire in you, it is soon done. If he would drive . you on to evil thoughts, or deeds, you are so free, that he needs no spur. If he would keep you from holy thoughts, and words, and ways, a little does it; you need no curb. You examine not bis suggestions, nor resist them with any resolution, nor cast them out as he casts them in, nor quench the sparks which he endeavours to kindle; but set in with , him, and meet him half way; ind embrace his motions, and tempt him to tempt you. 3. Your destruction is evidently owing to yoùrselves, in that you resist all who would help to save you. God would help and save you by his word, and you resist it; it is too strict fOr you. He would .sanctify you by his Spirit, but you resist and quench it. If 13 3C