Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

3$6 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS any man reprove you for your sin, you fly in his face ; if he tell you of your danger, you give him little"thanks, but either bid him look to himself, or, at best, put him off with heartless thanks. 4. Moreover, it is apparent that you are self -de- stroyers, in that you draw the matter of your sin and destruction eves from the blessed God himself, You 'like not the conarivances of his wisdom : you like not his justice, but take it for cruelty : you like not his holiness, but are ready to think he is such a one as yourselves,(Ii) and makes as light of sin as you ; you like not his truth, but would have his threatenings, even his peremptory threatenings, prove false. And his goodness, which you seem most highly to approve, you partly resist, as it would lead you to repentance; and partly abuse, to the strengthening of your sin, as if you might the more freely sin, because God is merciful. 5. Yea, you fetch destruction from the blessed Re- deemer, and death from the Lord of life himself. No- thing more emboldens you in sin, than that Christ has died for you as if now the danger of death were over, and you might boldly venture ; as if Christ were become a servant to Satan. and must wait upon you while you are abusing him. And because he is become the Physician of souls, and is able to save to the uttermost all that come to God by him : you think he must save you whether, you will come to God by him or no. So that a great part of your sins are occa- sioned by your bold' presumption upon, the death of Christ. 6. He gives them to you as the tokens of his love, and 'furniture for his service, and you turn them against him to the pleasing, of your flesh. You eat and .drink to please your appetite, and not for the glory of God., Your clothes you abúse to pride. Your riches draw your hearts from heaven. Your honours and applause puff you up. If you have health and strength, it makes you more secure. Yea, other men's mercies are' abused by you to your hurt. If you see ----- (h) Psal. 1. 1,