Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

388 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS of your flesh. -But, alas !- it is as a draught of cold water in a burning fever, which increases the disease. If indeed you would have pleasure, profit, or honour, seek them where they are to be found, not in the way to hell. 3. What pity is it that you should do that against yourselves, which none else in earth or hell can do. If all the world were combined against you, or all the devils in hell,. they could not destroy you without yourselves. And will you do that against yourselves which no one else can do? You have hateful thoughts of the devil; because he is your enemy, and endea- Yours your destruction. And will you be worse than devils to yourselves? But thus it is with you when you run into sin, and refuse to turn at the call of God you do more against your own souls, than men or de- vils could do beside. And if you should set yourselves to do yourselves the greatest mischief, you could not devise a greater. 4. It will everlastingly make you your own tor- mentors in hell, to think that you brought yourselves wilfully to that misery. O what a griping thought will it be, to think with yourselves, That this was your own doing! that you Were warned of this day, and warned again, but it would not do : that you wilfully sinned, and wilfully turned away from God : you had time as well as others, but you abused it you had teachers as well as others, but you refused their in- structions: you had ,holy examples, but you did not 'imitate them : you were offered Christ, and grace, and glory, as well as others, but you preferred your fleshly pleasure : you had a price in your hands, but you had not a heart to lay it out! Can it choose but tor- ment you to think of this your folly ? O that your eyes were opened to see what you have done in the wilful wronging of your own souls ! and that you better understood these words of God : Hear instruc- tion and be wise, and refuse it not. Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. For whosofndeth me findeth life, and shall obtain the favour of the Lord. But he