Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION. 389 that sinnetfi against me wrongeth his ozen soul: All they that hate me love death.(ñz) Dear friends, I am so loth you should lie in ever- lasting fire, that I once more ask what you resolve on? Will you turn or die? As far as you. are gone in sin, do but now turn and come to Christ, and your souls shall live. If it were your bodies which we had to deal with, we might know what to do for you. Though you would not consent, you might be held or hound, while the medicine was poured down your throats, and hurtful things might be kept from you. But about your souls it cannot be so: we cannot con- vert you against your wills. There is no carrying madmen to heaven in fetters. You may be condemn- ed against your wills; because you sinned with your wills; but you cannot be savedsagainst your wills. The wisdom of God has thought meet to lay man's salvation or destruction exceeding much upon the choice of his own will; that no man shall gó to hea ven who chooses not the way to heaven : and no man shall go to hell, but shall be forced to say, "1 have the thing I chose ; my own will did bring me here. Now if Ì could but get you to be willing, to be the, roughly and resolutely willing, the work were more than half done. And, alas! must we lose our friends, and must they lose their God, their happiness, their souls, for want of this? I do again beseech you, as if it were on my bended knees, that you would hearken to your Redeemer, and turn, that you may live. All you that have lived in ignorance, and carelessness, and presumption; to this day-; all you that have been drowned in the cares of the world, and have no de- sire after God and eternal glory; ail you that are enslaved to your fleshly desires of meats and drinks, sports and lusts; and all you that know' not the ne- cessity of holiness, and never were acquainted with the sanctifying work of the Holy. Ghost upon your souls; that never embraced your blessed Redeemer by a lively faith, and with admiring and thankful (m) Prov. viii. 33, 34, 35, 36,