Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION. 395 increase. I can go no farther with my message; I can- not bring it to your heart, or make it work ; I cannot do your parts for you, to entertain it. I cannot do God's part, by opening your heart to cause you to en- tertain it ; nor can I show you heaven or hell to your eye - sight, nor give you new and tender hearts. But, O thou that art the gracious Father of spi- rits, thou hast sworn thou delightest not in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn and live; deny not thy blessing to these persuasions and direc- tions and suffer not thine enemies to triumph in thy sight, and the great deceiver of souls to prevail against thy Son, thy Spirit, and thy Word. O pity poor, unconverted sinners, that have no hearts to pity or help themselves : command the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and the dead to live, and let not sin and death be able to resist thee. Awake the secure, re- solve the unresolved, confirm the wavering: and let the eyes of sinners that read these lines, be next em- ployed in weeping over theirs sins ; and bring them to themselves, and to thy Son, before their sins have brought them to perdition. If thou say but the word, these poor endeavours shall prosper, to the winning of .many a soul to their everlasting joy, and thine ever- lasting glory. Armen.