Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

402. DIREÇ9.'IONS AND PEIESUASIO"N5 a scorn again, and it may be a matter of sufferings, and may cost you yon: lives to live as the servants of Christ must do. And therefore, if you stop at it now as a difficult thing, when you have all the helps and en- couragements that you can expect, and the way to heaven is made so fair ; and when the magistrates, and ministers, and neighbours, are ready to encourage and help you; what Will you do in times of' persecution and discouragement? If you cannot turn when you have all these helps and means, what will you do when they are taken, from you ? If you cannot row with the stream, how will you row against it? If you dare not set to sea when you have wind, and tide, and sunshine; what will you do in storms and tempests, when all is. against you ? , 0- what would some of your forefathers have given, to have seen the days that you see ! How glad would many a thousand in other countries of the world be, to have but the help of heaven that you have ! Never look to have the way fairer and easier while you live. If you think heaven is offered you at too dear a rate now, you may even let it go, and try whether hell be better, for the next Offer is like to be upon harder terms, rather than easier. If you cannot now find in your hearts to turn and live a holy life, what would you have done in Spain or Italy, where it would have cost you your lives? He that will not be converted now, but thinks the terms of grace too hard, is. so impious a despiser of Christ and heaven, that it is no wonder if God resolve, that he shall never taste of the salva- tion that was offered him.(u) Moreover, you know upon what uncertainties you hold your lives, you have no assurance of them for an hour ; but you are sure that they are passing away while you delay. And will you trifle then in a work that must be done? What a case are you in, if death find you unconverted! The heart of man is not able now to conceive the misery of your case. How dare you venture to live another day in an unconverted (u) Luke xiv. 24.