Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION. 4Ü state, lest death should find you so? Are you not afraid when you lie down, at night, and afraid when you go out of your doors in the morning, lest 'death surprise you ? Are you converted ? if you be not, it is owing to your deadness and presumption. And I would fain hear what it is that should thus stop you. What are you afraid of? Is God an ene- my, that you are so loth to come to him? Is the devil a friend, that you are so loth to leave him ? Is sin a paradise ? is holiness a misery ? Is it a pleasanter life to love your money, or your lands, or your meat and drink, and lusts, than to love the most blessed God, the Greater of the world, the life of our souls, and our eternal felicity? Is it better to pamper a car - ease that must shortly stink as the dung, than to pro - vide . for a' living immortal soul? Whether do you think that earth or heaven will 'be the more glorious ;and durable felicity ?. What is it, sirs, that you stick at, that you .make so many delays before you will turn? Is there any diffi- culty in the point? Do you think it a hard question, whether you shall turn or not ? Why, how can you be so blind ? Do you stand pausing upon the business, as if it were a doubt, whether God or the ° wórld were better? and whether sin or holiness, Christ or death, heaven, or hell, were to be preferred? I pray you consider : can you reasonably think, than con- version will do you any harm ? can it bring you into a worse condition than you are in ? Sure you cannot fear such a thing. You are in your blood: you are dead in sin : you are children of wrath, while you are unconverted. You are under the curse of the law of God; you are the slaves of the devil, you are the heirs of hell, and under the guilt of all your sins; your life is a continued rebellion against God; you are employed every day in the destroying of yourselves, in 'kindling the flame that must ever- lastingly torment you, and ,laying in fuel for the per - petuating of your misery ; and fighting against your friends that would deliver you, and unthankfully