Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

408 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS It is a pitiful case to see some poor unsanctified souls how they wander and change from one opinion to another, and from party to party, to find out that which they want within. They turn to this party first, and that party next, and then to another, and then think they are sure in the way to heaven ; when they never thoroughly turned to God by Jesus Christ; and therefore are certainly out of the way, whatever party it be that they join with: Some go to the giddy sects that make the highest pretences to strictness : and some go to Rome, because they think that there they shall have more company, and hear the deluding sound of unity, universality, antiquity, succession, miracles, and such like ; and then they think they have hit the way. Alas, poor souls ! If God were but nearest and dearest to your hearts, and Christ and his righteousness exalted within you, and your souls unfeignedly turned from your sins, you would be in the certain way to heaven, in what coun- try, or company, or church, soever you were ; sup- posing that you believe, and do nothing there which is inconsistent with this life of grace. (Though yet every Christian should choose that particular society, if he can, where he may not only be saved, but most certainly saved, and find the greatest helps and least hinderances, or else where he may:do God the great- est service.) But choose what company you will in all the world, the strictest, the most reformed, the most splendid in outward pomp and glory, or of whatsoever excellency else you can imagine, you will never be saved in it yourselves, as long as your hearts are unconverted. I know the papists have found out many devices, by sacraments, and ceremonies, and the merits of the saints, to patch up the defect of thorough conversion ; but all are mere deluders that pretend to such a thing. O then, think of this, poor sinner : Hast thou gone so far, and done so much, and shall all be lost because thou wilt not follow it to the end ? Hast thou groan- ed, snd wept, and confessed, and bemoaned thine own