Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

T0 A SOUND CONVERSION. 413 lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. I know that many that have much knowledge are ungodly. But what of that? Can any men therefore be godly, or be saved without knowledge? You may have a bad ser- vant, that yet is skilful enough in his work : but yet you will-not mend the matter, by taking one that path no skill at all. You may send a man on your errand that knows the way, and yet will not go it, but loiter and deceive you : but what of that ? Will you think to mend the matter, by sending one that knoweth not a step of the way, nor will not learn it ? Though a man of knowledge may be a servant of the devil, yet no man without knowledge (that bath the use of his reason) can be the servant of God. A man may go to hell with knowledge ; but he certainly shall go to hell without it. I do not say that you must be all men of learning, and skilled in the arts and sciences, and languages ; but you must have the knowledge of a Christian, though not of a scholar. Can you love or serve a God that you know not? Can you let go friends, and goods, and life, for a glory which you have no knowledge of? Can you make it the princi- pal business of your lives, to seek for a heaven ,whose excellencies you know not of? Can you lament your, sin and misery when you are unacquainted with it? or will you strive against sin, as the greatest evil, when you know not the evil of it ? Will you believe in a Christ whom you do not know, and trust your souls and all upon him ? Will you rest upon a promise, or fear a threatening, or be ruled by a law, which you do not understand ? It is not possible to be Chris- tians, without knowing the substance of Christianity ; nor is it possible for you to be saved, without knowing the way of salvation, Labour therefore to be well acquainted with the grounds, and reasons, and nature, of your religion. The clearer your light is, the warmer and livelier your hearts will be. Illumination is the first part of