Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

414 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS sanctification. The head is the passage to the heart, O, if you did but thoroughly know what sin is, and what a life it is to serve the flesh, and what the end of this will prove, with what detestation would you cast it away ! If you did thoroughly know what a life of holiness is, how speedily would you choose it ! If you did truly know what God is, how infinitely power- ful, and wise, and good; how holy, and just, and true; and what title he hath to you, and authority over you, and what an eternal portion he would be to you ; how is it possible that you could prefer the dirt of the world before him, or delay any longer to return unto him ! If you did but truly know what Christ is, and what he bath done and suffered for you, and what that pardon, and grace, and glory, are, which he bath purchased for you, and offered to you, and how sure his promise is by which it is offered ; it is not possible that you should refuse to entertain him, or delay to give up your souls unto him, Do you think a man that truly knows what heaven is, and what hell is, can still be in doubt whether he should turn or not? Alas, sirs! if God would but open your eyes, to see where you are, and what you are doing, you would run as if for your lives ; and quickly change your minds and ways. You would no more stay in your carnal state, than you would stay in a house that was falling down on your heads, or in a ship that you perceive sinking under you, or on the sands when you see the tide coming towards you: If your house or chamber were all in flames about you, you would not stand to ask whether you should be gone : and sure then, if you knew how the devils are about you, how they deceive you, and rule you, and wait to drag you to hell, you would never stay a night longer willingly in such a state. While men understand not what the gospel means, nor what a minister saith unto them, no wonder if they regard them not, but continue in their sin. If you see a bear, or a mad dog making towards a man, and tell him of it, and call him to be gone, if he be a man of another