Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION. 419 know the truth. You think that the ungodly that are rich and great, are in a better condition than a godly man that is poor and despised. And why is this, but because you will not go; into the sanctuary, and see in what a slippery place they stand, and what will be the end of these men ? In a word,, this is the un- doing of millions of souls. They are all their life -time Out of the way to heaven, and yet will not be per- suaded to ask the way ; but they run and wink, and put it to the venture. Many a thousand are gone out of the world, before they ever spent the quantity of one day in trying by the scripture, whether their state were good, and their way were right. Nay, let their teachers tell them that they must be sanctified, and take another course, they will differ from their teach - ers, though they be ever so wise and learned; and they will contradict them, and not believe nor regard them. And yet we cannot get them to come to us, and put the case to the trial, and let the scripture be the judge. 'Would they but do this, they could ne- ver sure have such hard thoughts of their teachers, and be offended at their plainest, closest dealing. You would then say, " I see now the minister says not this of himself; he speaks but that which God commandeth him : and if he would not deliver the message of the Lord, he were unworthy and unfit to be his ambassador; he were cruel tó me, if he would not pull me out of the fire, by the plainest, closest means. He hated me; if he would not rebuke me, but suffer sin upon me. If he would please men, he should not be the servant of Christ. I know it is no pleasure to him to trouble me, or provoke me : but it would be his own destruction if he tell me not of my dan- ger. And I have no reason to wish him to damn his own soul, and suffer me to do the like by .mine, and all for fear of displeasing me in my sin:" These would be your thoughts, if you would but try our words by the scripture, and see whether we speak our mind of God. And sure it would go somewhat deeper in your hearts, and it would stick by you, and be more before