Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

420 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS your eyes when you once understood that it is the word of God. This then is my request to you, sirs, that the work of your conversion may not miscarry, That you would carry all that you hear to the scripture, and search there, and see whether it be so or not, that so you may be put out of doubt, and may be at a certainty, and not stand wavering ; and that your faith may be resolved into the authority of God ; and so the work may be di- vine, and consequently powerful and prevailing, when the ground and motive is divine. If you be not satis- tistîed in the doctrine which the minister deli vereth to you, first search the scripture yourselves ; and if that will not do, go to him, and desire him to show you his grounds for it in the word of God, and jóin with you in prayer for a right understanding of it. Do you question whether there be so severe a judgment, and a heaven and a hell as ministers tell you ? Search the scripture, in Matt, xxv. and 2 'Tess. 1. 8. 9. 10. John v. 29. Matt. xiii. Do you question whether a man may not be saved without conversion, regeneration, and holiness ? Open your Bibles and see what God saith, John iii. 6. Matt. xviiï. 3. 2 Cor. v. 17. Rom. viii. 9. Heb. xii. 14. Do you think a man may be saved without knowledge? Let scripture judge, 2 Cor, iv. 3, 4. John xvii. 3. Hosea iv. 6. Do you think a man may be saved that doeth as the most do, and goeth in the common way of the world? Search the scripture and see, Matt. vii. 13. and xx. 16. and xxii. 14. Luke xii. 32. Do you think an unhumbled soul may be saved, that never was contrite and broken- hearted for sin? Try by Isaiah lvii. 15. and lxvi. 2. Psalm li. 17. Luke iv. 18. Matthew xi. 28. Do you think a man can be the servant of God, that liveth a fleshly life, and will keep his sin 2 Try by Rom. viii. 13. John iii. 12. Eph. v. 5, 6. 1 John iii. 9, 10. Do you doubt whether it be necessary to make so much ado to be saved, and to be so strict, and make religion your chiefest business? Try by Psalm i. 1, 2, 3. 1 Peter iv. 18. Hebrews xii. 14. Luke x. 42. and xiii, 24_ Eph. v. 15, 16. Do you think a man can be