Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVÈß.SION. 425 If he be good, and infinitely good, there is all the rea- son in the world that you should love him ; and there is no show of reason, that you should love the world,, or sin, before him. If he be faithful and true, his threatenings. must be feared, and his promises must not be distrusted : and there is no reason, that you should make any question of his word. If he be holy; then holiness must needs be most excellent, and those that are the holiest must needs be the best, because they are most like to God ; and then he must be an enemy to sin, and to all that are unholy, because they are contrary to his nature. Consider that he is al- might3T, and there is no resisting him, .or standing out against him; in the twinkling of an eye can he, snatch thy guilty soul from thy body, arid cast it where sin is better known. A word of his mouth can set all the world against thee ; and set thine own conscience against thee too. A frown of his face can turn thee into hell. And if he be thine enemy, it is no matter who is thy friend; for all the world cannot save thee, if he do but condemn thee. They are blessed whom . he blesseth, and they are cursed indeed whom he curs- eth. He was from eternity, and thou art but as it were of yesterday ; thy being is from him thy life is always in his hands; thou canst not live an hour without him, thou canst not fetch a breath without him ; nor think a thought, nor speak a word, nor stir a foot or hand, without him : thou mayest better live without bread, or drink, or fire, or air, or earth, or water, than with- out him. All the world is, before him, but as the drop of a bucket, or a little sand or dust, that should be laid in balance with all the earth. Hádst thou but compassed about this lower world, and seen all the nations of it, and its wonderful furniture, and seen the great depths of the mighty' ocean, and the abundance of creatures that be in all ; O what thoughts then wouldst thou have of God ! But if thou hadst been above the stars, and seen the sun in all its glory, and seen the frame and course of those higher orbs, and seen the blessed glorious angels, and all the inhabi 14 3.H