Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

426 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS tants of the higher world, O then what thoughts of Cod wouldst thou entertain ! O but if it were possible that thou hadst seen his glory, or seen but his back- parts, as Moses did, or seen him in Christ, the now glorified Redeemer, what apprehensions wouldst thou have of him then ! Then how wouldst thou abhor the name of sin ; and how weary wouldst thou- be of the pleasant- est life that sensuality could afford, thee! Then thou wouldst quickly know, that no love can be great enough, and no praise can be high enough, and no service can be holy and good enough, fbr such a God ; then you' would soon know, that this is not a God to be neglected, or dallied with ; nor a God to be re- sisted, nor provoked- by the wilful breaking of his laws. It is eternal life to know.this God ; and for want of knowing him, it is that sin aboundeth in the world, This maketh holiness _so scarce and lean : Men wor- ship they care not how, because they worship they know . not whom. O therefore dwell on the medita- tions of the Almighty. So far as he doth possess thy mind, there will. be no place for sin, and vanity. One would think, if i should set you no farther task, and tell you of no other matter fbr yourmeditation, this one should be enough ; for this' one is in a manner all. What will not the due knowledge of God do upon the soul? That is the best. Christian, and the most happy man, that knoweth most of him ; and that is the most vile and miserable wretch that 'is furthest from .him ; and strangest to him : ' it is the character of the fool of fools to have a heart, whose .disposition and practice saith, there is no God,(c) that is, to be so affected and employed in their hearts, as if there were no God; and when God is not in all their thoughts. It was better with man, when he had less knowledge of himself, and fewer thoughts for himself, and more of God. And there is no way to restore' us to sound understanding, and to perfect our knowledge, but to turn our eye upon ,God again;, for in knowing 'him, we know all that is worth the knowing. Take hold then of the blessed fc) Psalm xiv. 1.