Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

428 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS sent you hither to break his laws, and follow your own lusts? And whether the satisfying of your flesh, and the gathering of a little worldly wealth, and the feathering of a nest which you must so quickly leave, be like to be the business that you were sent about into the world ? 3. The next thing that I would have you consider of, is, how you have answered the ends of your crea- tion, and how you 'have done the business that you came into' the world to do. Look back upon the drift of your hearts and lives; read over the most ancient records of your consciences; and see what you have been,` and what you have been doing in the world till now. Have you spent your days in seeking after God? and your estates and strength in faithfully sery -, . ing him ? Have you lived all this time in the admira- tion of his excellencies, and the fervent love of him, and delightful remembrance of him, and the zealous worship of him ? If you had done this, you had not forgotten what business you had in the world, and lit - tle minded the world that you should have prepared for, and lived as if you knew not him that made you, or why he made you ? Was sport and merriment the end that you were created fòr? Was ease and idle- ness, Or eating or drinking, or vain: discourses, or re- creation, the business that you came into the world about? Was living to the flesh, and scraping up riches, or gaping after the esteem of men, the work that God sent you hither to do? Was this it that he preserved you for, and daily gave you in provision for? What; was it to forget him, and slight him, and turn him out of your hearts, and rob him of his service and honour; and set up your flesh in his stead, and give that to it that was due to him ? Bethink you what you have done, and whether you have done the work that you were sent to do, or not. 4. The next thing you should use to consider of, is, how grievously you have sinned, and what a ease it is that your sin bath brought you into. If you take but an,impartial view of your lives, yoù may see how far