Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

430 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS dead in your sins ; the guilt of the sins of your lives is still upon you ; you can neither look into your hearts or lives, no not one day of your lives; or the best hour that you have spent, but you must see the ugly face of sin, which deserved] condemnation. Yeu have made God your enemy, that should have been your only felicity ; and yet you are always at his mercy, and in his hands. Little do you know how long his pa- tience will yet endure you ; or what hour he will call away your souls ; and if death come, alas, what a case will it find you in ! How lamentably unready are you to meet him ! How unready to appear before the dreadful God whom you have offended ; and what a terrible appearance do you think that will be to you! Most certainly if you die before you are converted, the inevitable consequence will be everlasting misery and despair. The law bath cursed you already ; and the execution will be answerable, if you die in your sins. And thus you may see the gain of sin, and what it is that you have been doing all this while for your own souls ; and what a case it is that you have brought yourselves into ; and what need you have speedily to look about you. 5. The next step of your consideration should be this : bethink yourselves what"a blessed condition you might be in, if by conversion you were recovered from this misery, and brought home to God. This moved the heart of the prodigal son to return. When he came to himself he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough, and to spare, and I perish with hunger. He that had not husks to feed on with the swine, considered the plenty that he had for- saken at home. The poorest member of the house- hold ofChrist is in a better condition than the greatest king on earth that is unconverted. You might have lived another kind of life than you have done, for safety, and benefit, and true content, if you would have turned your minds and life to God. Were you but converted, you would be living members of Christ, and his precious benefits would be yours ; his blood