Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CON VERSION. 431 would cleanse you from all your sins, and they would . be all freely forgiven you : God would be _ reconciled to you, and become your friend, yea, your Father and your God ; and will take you for his adopted children the Holy Ghost would, dwell in you, and guide Your understandings, and show you that which flesh and blood cannot reveal, and bring you into ac- quaintance with the mysteries of God. He will be a Spirit of life and light within you, and work your hearts yet more to God, and give you yet stronger inclinations and affections to the things above. He will help you when you are weak, and quicken you when you are dull, and be your remembrancer when you are forgetful of necessary things. He will help you in prayer, both for matter and for manner, and help you in meditation, and conference, and other duties : he will warn you of your danger, and strength- en you against temptations, and help you to over- come ; and if you fall, he will enable you to rise again. He will be an indwelling comforter to you, and so .effectually speak peace to you in ,the midst of your disquietness, that by speaking' ,it, he will cre- ate it in you and in the multitude of your thoughts within you, his comforts will delight your souls. O what a life might You live, if Christ by his Spirit did once live in you! You may easily conjecture how tender Christ would be of his own members, how dearly he would love them, how constantly he would watch over them, how plentifully he would provide for them, and how carefully he would preserve them ! And if you should come into a rougher way, he would lead you. out: Afflictions' should never be laid upon but for your good ; and continue no longer than your . need continueth them, and be taken off'at last to your satisfaction and contentment. Indeed your life would be a life of mercies: and that which is but a common mercy to common men, would be a special mercy to you, as coming from your Father's love, and furthering your salvation, and hinting out to you your everlasting mercies. You could not open your eyes, bút you would see that which may encourage and comfort you ;