Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION. 433 if I should tell you but one half the blessings of a sanctified and spiritual state! In a word, God would be yours, Christ would be yours, the Holy Ghost would be yours, all things would be yours; the whole world would have some relation to your welfare ; devils':'would be subdued to you, and cast out of your souls ; sin would be both pardoned and over- come ; angels would be ministering spirits unto you for your good ; the promises of scripture would be yours; and everlasting glory would at last be yours: and while you staid on earth, you might comfort yourselves a often as you would, with the believing foresight of that inconceivable, unspeakable, endless felicity. O sirs, what a treasure have I here expressed in a few words! What hearts would you have, if you were but possessed, lively and sensibly, of all that is con- tained in this leaf or two! You would,not envy the greatest prince on earth his glory, nor change states with any man that was a stranger to these things. Did you but use to consider of the state of the saints, how could you keep off, and stay with sin, and make so many delays in turning unto God ! Sure this con- sideration might turn the scales. The next part of your meditation should be of the gracious and wonderful work of your redemption ; and the means and remedies which are provided for your souls, And the terms on which salvation may be obtained. For all the sins which you have committed, you are not given over to despair ; the Lord bath not left you without a remedy. Your conversion and salva- tion is not a thing impossible. Nay, so much is done by Christ already, that it is brought upon reasonable terms even to your hands. A new and living way is consecrated for us by Christ, through the vail of his flesh, and by his blood we may have boldness to en- ter into the lioliest.(f) He hath borne your burden,' 14 (f) Heb. X. 19, `zoo- 3I 1;