Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

434 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS and oereth you, instead of it, his burden, which is ligh,t.(g) He bath removed the impossibility, and nailed to his cross the hand - writing that was against you,(h) and instead of it offereth you his easy yoke. He Math spoiled the principalities and powers that had captivated you, and openly triumphed over them on the cross. You are not left Under the care of making satisfaction to God for your own sins, but only of accepting the Redeemer, that bath satisfied. It will be for want of faith in yóu, and not for want of satis- faction by the Redeemer, if any of you perish. And how free are his offers ! how 'full are his promises ! You are conditionally all pardoned and justified al- ready, as is legible under the hand of God. And the condition which is imposed upon you, is not some meritorious or mercenary work, but the accepting of the benefit freely given, according to its nature, use, and end. This is the faith by which you must be justified. These are the terms on which you may be saved. And which is more, the Lord hath provided means, even excellent, and plentiful, and powerful means, for the furthering of your souls in the per- formance of this condition, and helping you to be- lieve and repent, that you may live : and if the Spi- rit make not these. means effectual, and adjoin not his special grace, and after this you remain unconverted, it will not be long of him, but of yourselves. So that you may perceive how hopeful a case you are yet, in; by the blood of your Redeemer, if you destroy not your own hopes, and make not your case despe- rate by wilful impenitency, and refusal of free grace. How fair are you yet for heaven ! and what happy advantages have you for salvation ! It is brought even to your doors; it is thrust as it were into your hands: the Redeemer hath done so. much for you all, as to bring your salvation to the choice of your own wills. You have precepts to believe, you are threatened if you will not believe; you have promise upOn promise, and Christ himself offer you pardon, and life, and sal- (g) Matt. xi. 30. (h) Col. ii. 14. 15.