Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION. 439 pression. He that hath an ear to hear let him hear; would it not have brought me to some serious thoughts of my state ? Why, this he hath done in his word, and doth it by his ambassadors, and why then should I not consider it ? 3. Quest. If I did but know that death were at my back, and ready to arrest me, and that I should be in another world before this day seven - night, I should then begin to bethink me in good sadness : and why do I not so now, when I have no hold of my life an hour, and when I am sure that shortly that time will come? 4. Quest.. If my eyes were but open to see that which I pretend to believe, and which is certainly true; even to see a glimpse of the majesty of the Lord, to see the saints in joy and glory ; and to see the damned souls in misery, and if I heard their la mentatiens; would not even this force my heart to consideration? O then how earnestly should I think of these things! And why should I not do so now, when they are as sure as if I saw them, and when I must see them ere it be long? Many more sure awakening questions are at hand, but I give you but these brief touches on the things that are most common and obvious, that the most ignorant may be able to make some use of them. With such thoughts as these, you must bring on your back- ward hearts, and shake them out of their insensibility, and awaken them to the work. III. When you have brought your hearts to be serious, be, sure that you drive on your considera- tions to a resolution. Break not off in the middle, or before you bring the matter to an issue : but let all be done in order to practise. When you have been thinking of the excellencies of God and the world to come, and comparing them with all the delights on earth ; put the question then to your hearts, and say, What sayest thou, O my soul! which of these is the better for thee? which is the more desirable? and which of them shouldst thou prefer? Resolve then,