Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

440 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS and make thy choice according to the light and con- victions which thou hast received. When you are thinking of the reasons that should move you to be converted, ask yourselves, Whether these reasons be not clear, and what you have to say against them? And whether any thing that can be said to the contrary, can prove it better for you to be as you are, and to remain unconverted ? Ask yourselves, Is my judgment resolved, or is it not ? And if it be, (as sure it must be, if you be not beside yourselves,) then write it down under your hands, or at least in your hearts : ' I do here confess before the Lord, that his commands are just, his motions are reasona- ble, his offers are exceeding merciful: I am satisfied that it is best for me to turn to him speedily, and with all my heart : I confess before him, that I have no reason tó the contrary that deserves to be owned and called reason ; this is my own judgment ; of this I am convinced. If I turn not after this, the light that is in me, and the judgment that I now possess, must needs be a witness 'against my soul.' If you would but thus drive on, the case to a resolution of your judgments, you would have a great advantage for the resolving of your wills ; which is the next thing that you must proceed to. And therefore next ask your- selves, Why should I not now resolve, and fixedly resolve to turn without any more delay ? Is not the case plain before me? What reason have I to stand questioning the matter any longer, and to be unwilling to he happy ? Shall I provoke God by dallying with him, and hazard my soul by lingering out my time, in such a miserable state ? No : by the grace of God I will return even this hour, without any more delay. Thus drive on all your considera- tion to resolution. By this time you may see ofwhat necessity this duty of consideration is, and how it must be performed, that it may further your conversion : but because it is a matter of so great necessity, I am loth to leave it thus, till I have done what I can to persuade you to the