Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION. 443 exceed a beast in, what a silly wretched wight were man ! Yea, so much more miserable than the beasts, as his knowledge begets more care, and sorrow, and fear, than theirs. What matter is it for having reason At all, if it be not that we may use it for the matters of God, and eternal life ? 5. Moreover, your soul is an active principle, which will be working one way or other your thoughts will be going on one thing or other ; and therefore the bare consideration is no great labour to you. And if you must lay out your thoughts on something, is it not better to lay them out on these things than on any other? Have you any better mat- ters to think on than.' these? Have you any greater matters, or matters of greater necessity, to think of? You cannot sure imagine it: at least you will not say so, for shame. This makes your inconsiderateness an inexcusable sin. If thinking were a toil to you, it were another matter. But when you must think of something, why not of God,. and your eternal state, and the way to heaven, as well as of other matters? Will you rather throw away your thoughts than God shall have them ? If a' man command his servant that is lame to go on his business, the refuser bath a good excuse: I cannot go, or not without great pain and danger.' , But if he have a son, or a servant, that is so wanton that he cannot stand on his legs, but spends his time in running up and down, and dancing, and leap- ing; this person bath no excuse, if he will refuse to go on his master's or his father's errand, but will gad about on his pleasure all day, and will not go a few steps when he is bidden ; especially if it were for his own life or welfare. So, when you haie thoughts that will not be kept idle, but will be gadding abroad through the world, and yet you will not think of God, and the matters of your peace, what wilfulness is this ! If you should ask one that hath it not, for meat or drink, or money, they might well deny you. But if you ask these, óf one that bath abundance, and knows not what to doo,with them, but would throw