Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION. 453 patched it? How have I spent my time, my thoughts, my words; and how shall I answer for them ? Am I ready to die, it were this hour? Am I sure of my salvation ? Is my soul converted, and truly sanctified by the Holy Ghost ? If not, what reason have I to de- lay? Why do I not set about it and speedily resolve? Shall I linger till death come and find me unconverted ? O then what a sad appearance shall I make before the Lord ! And thus follow on the discourse with your hearts. What say you, sirs? Will you here promise me to bestow but some few hours, if it be but on the Lord's day, or when you are private on the way, or in your beds, or in your shops, in these considerations? I beseech you, as ever you will do any thing at my re- quest, deny me not this request. It is nothing that is unreasonable. If I desired one of you to spend an hour in talking with me, you would grant it ; yea, or if it were to ride or go for me : and will you not be entreafed to spend now and then a little time in thinking of the matters of your own salvation ? Deny not this much to yourselves ; deny it not to God, if you will deny it me. Should you not bethink you a few hours, of the place and state that you must live in for ever? Men will build strong where they think to live long; but a tent or a hut will serve a soldier for a few nights. -- O sirs, everlasting is a long day. In the name of God, let not conscience have such a charge as this against you hereafter : Thou art come to thy long home, to thy endless state, before ever thou spentest the space of an hour, in deep, and sad, and serious considerations of it, or in trying thy title to it. O what a confounding charge would this be ! I am confident I have the wit - ness of your consciences going along with me, and telling you, it is but reasonable, yea, and needful, which I say. If yet you will not do it, and I cannot beg one hour's sober discourse in secret, between you and your hearts, about these things, then what remedy, but even to leave you to your misery ? But I shall tell you in the conclusion, that I have no hope of that soul that will not be persuaded to this duty of con-