Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

458 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS is still carnal and unfructified, and inwardly, at the heart, the interest of the flesh is habitually predomi- nant. He is not brought to an irreconcileable hatred to the great master -sins that ruled him, and lay deepest; but only hath eased the top of his stomach, and cropt oft' some of the branches of the tree of death, The thorns of worldly desires and cares, are still rooted in his heart; and therefore no wonder if they choke the seed of wholesome truth, and there be a greater har- vest for the devil than for God. 2. Another sign that follows upon this, is, that the sound convert doth carry on the course of his obe- dience in a way of self - denial, as living in a continual conflict with his own flesh, and expecting his comfort and salvation to come in upon the conquest ; and therefore he can suffer for Christ, as well as be found in cheaper obedience, and he dare not ordinarily re- fuse the most costly service. For the spoils of his fleshly desires are his prey, and crown of glorying in the Lord. But the opinionative convert still liveth in his car- nal self; and therefore secretly, at least, seeks himself, and layeth hold On present things, as a true convert layeth hold on eternal life The truths of God being received but into his opinion, do not go deep enough to conquer self, and to take down his great idol, nor make him go through fire and water, and to serve God with the best, and honour him with his substance, much less with his sufferings and death. 3. The sound convert bath taken God for his por- tion, and heaven for that sure and full felicity, which he is resolved to venture upon ; that is it that he bath set his heart and hopes upon, and thither tends the ,drift of his life. But he that is changed only in his opinions, had never such sure apprehensions of the life to come, nor so full a confidence in the promises of God, as to set his heart unfeignedly upon God, and make him truly heavenly - minded. He may have a heavenly tongue, but he bath an earthly heart. A bare opinion, be it ever so true, will not raise men's hearts sò high,