Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO it SOUND CONVERSION. 461 world is but a mole-hill or a dungeon. No wonder then if this man be stedfast, and immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. To which end I further desire you, 1. To consider, that it is a higher matter that Christ came into the world for, than to change men's bare opinions; and it is a higher matter that the gospel is intended for, and that ministers are sent to you: for it is more than a corruption of men's opinions, that sin bath brought" upon you ; and therefore it is a deeper disease that must be cured. The work of Christ by his gospel, is no less than to fetch you off all that which flesh and blood accounts your happiness, and to unite you to himself, and make you holy, as God is holy, and to give you a new nature, and make you as the dwellers or citizens of heaven, while you walk on earth.- - And these are greater matters than the changing of a party, or opinion. The holy Spirit himself must dwell in you, and work in you, and employ your soul and life for God, that you may study him, and love him, and live to him here, and live with him for ever. Do but think well of the ends and meaning of the Gospel, and how much greater matters it drives at; and then you will see that there is no taking up with any opinionative religion. THE CONCLUSION. And now I have given you directions in the most great and necessary business in the world : they are such as I received of God, and, faithfully practised, will put your salvation past all hazard. But what they have done, or what they will do, I cannot tell; but must leave the issue to God and you. It's pity eternal glory should be lost for want of yielding to so holy, and sweet, and reasonable a course. It is lamentable to observe, what ignorant, base, unworthy thoughts, the most have of the very office of the Holy Ghost, who is the sanctifier of all that God will save. The very name of regeneration and sanctification is not understood by some, and is but matter of derision