Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION. 463 Son's redemption, as if we could be saved as well without a Saviour, or as if it were but some poor and trivial commodity that Christ had purchased us? I know you would confess the misery of that man, that believed no better in the Father and the Son. And how comes it to pass that you think not of your own misery, that believe no better in the Holy Ghost? Do you not debase the sanctifying office of the Holy Spirit, when you show us your knowledge, and parts, and outward duties, and civility, and tell us that these are the work of sanctification : what is sanctification but such a thing as this ? Why, holiness is a new life and spirit in us ; and these that you talk of are but as a few flowers that are stuck upon a corpse, to keep it awhile from stinking among men, till death convey it to a burial in hell. O sirs, sanctification is another kind of matter than the forsaking of some of your foulèr vices, and speaking well of a godly life. It is not the patching up of the old man, but the creating of a new man. I will give you warning therefore from God, that you think not basely of the work of the Wily Ghost; and that you think no more to be saved without the sanctifying work of the Spirit, than with- out the redeeming work of the Son, or creatitm, go- vernment, or love of the Father. Sanctification must turn the very bent and stream of heart and life to God, to . Christ, to heaven ; it must mortify carnal self and the world to you : it must make you a people devoted, consecrated, and resigned up to God, with all that you have : it must make all sin odious to you, and make God the love and desire of your souls ; so that it must give you a new heart, a new end, a new master, a new law, and a new conversation. This is that noble hea- venly work which the Holy Ghost bath vouchsafed to make the business of his (Ace; to slight and despise this, is to slight and despise the Holy Ghost, and not to believe in him : to be without this work, is to be without the Holy Ghost : and if any man have not the Spirit of' Christ, he is none of his.(o) The holy catholic (o) Rom. viii. 9.