Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

466 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS earnestness that I am able to use with thee, as ever thou wouldst escape the fruits of all thy sin, as ever thou wouldst see the face of God with comfort, and have him thy reconciled Father in Christ ;as ever thou wouldst have a saving part in Christ, and have him stand thy friend in thy extremities ; as ever thou wouldst have hope in thy death, and stand on the right hand, and be justified at judgment ; as ever thou wouldst escape the day of vengeance prepared for the unconverted, and the endless misery that will fall upon all unsanctified souls, as sure as the heaven is over thy bead see that thou resolve and turn to God, and trifle with him no more. Away with thy old transgressions ; away with thy ^ageless worldly life ; away with thy ungodly com- pany ; and set thyself presently to seek after thy salva- tion with all thy heart, and mind, and might. I tell thee once more, that heaven and hell are not matters to be jested with ; nor to be carelessly thought of, or spoken, or regarded. The God of heaven stands over thee now while thou art reading all these words, and he seeth thy heart, whether thou art resolved to turn or not. Shall he see thee read such urgent reasons, and yet wilt thou not resolve? Shall he see thee read these earnest requests, and yet not resolve? What ! not come home to thy God, to thy Father, to thy Saviour, to thy- self, after so long and wilful sinning ? What ! not to accept of mercy, now it is even thrust into thy hands ; when thou bast neglected and abused mercy so long ? O let not the just and jealous God stand over thee, and see thee guilty of such wickedness. If thou be a Chi is- tian, show thyself a Christian, and use thy belief, and come to God. If thou be a man, show thyself a man, and use thy reason, and corne away to God. I beseech thee read over and over again the reasons that I have here offered thee, and judge whether a reasonable man should resist them, and delay an hour to come unto God. I that am now writing these lines of exhortation to thee, must shortly meet thee at the bar of Christ. I do now adjure thee, and charge thee in the name of the living God, that thou do not thyself and me that wrong, as to