Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

THE TRUE PENITENT. 477 gressions .which conscience accuses thee of, and the hardness of heart, and alienation from the life of God, that the scriptures charge thee with. Confess all to the Lord as thou art able, remembering that the wages óf sin is death, who flies fast upon thee with the wings of time : death, who often gives no warning, and ushers in judgment, with all the horrors 'of hell, or the joys of heaven. And pray that these awful realities may affect thee now, as they will in thy last moments. Frequently reflect, how total must be our loss of spiritual life, which cannot be repaired but by a re- surrection, a new birth, or a new creation, Col. iii. 1. John iii., 7. Gal. vi. 5. And how desperate the 'dis- ease of our fallen nature, which cannot be healed but with the blood of a divine Physician. Consider, at tentively consider him, whose piercing look softened the obdurate heart of cursing Peter, whose amazing sufferings brought a hardened thief under the deepest concern for his salvation, and whose dying groans rent the rocks, shook the earth, and opened the graves. The tender flower of evangelical sorrow grows best in the shade of his cross: a believing view of him, as suffering for thee, will melt thee into penitential tears, and seal upon thy relenting heart the gracious promise, 60 They shall look upon him whom they have pierced, and mourn." Zech. xii. 10. In the mean time, improve the daily opportunities, which thou hast of studying human corruption in the life and tempers of all around thee, but chiefly in thy own careless and deceitful heart: take notice of its pride and self - seeking, of its risings and secret work- ings especially when unexpected temptations trouble thy imaginary peace of mind : for, at such a time, thy corruption, like the sediment in the bottom of a vial that is shaken, will show its loathsomeness and strength. Converse frequently, if thou canst, with persons deeply convinced of sin. Attend a plain; heart - searching ministry, as often as. possible : and, when the sword of the Spirit, the word of God, pierces