Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

484 .A SERÍOUS ADDRESS TO with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shah believe in thy heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved: for we are saved by faith. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Hear then the word of the Lord." Are thy sins really grievous to thee? Is the burden of them intolerable? Wouldst thou part with it at any rate? Dost thou fully renounce thy speculative and barren faith ? Hast thou received the. sentence of eternal death in thy conscience, acknowledging thy case (for any thing thou canst do without Christ) help- less, hopeless, desperate? And art thou truly brought to the grand inquiry, What must I do to be saved? See, feel, confess, that thou standest in absolute need of a divine Physician, an almighty Redeemer ; and that the God -man, Jesus Christ, joins both these ex- traordinary characters in his wonderful person. Sub- mit to be saved by grace, by free grace through his infinite merits, and not thy wretched deserts ; and instead of opposing, continually study God's wonder- ful method of saving sinners, the worst of sinners, by faith in his blood. There is no name but his under heaven, whereby we must be saved ; neither is there cure or salvation in any other, Acts iv. 12. As by him all things were created, so by him they subsist, and by him they must be restored. The power of his word and breath, made man a living soul ; and now that we are dead to God, the same power, applying his blood and righteousness, must create in us clean hearts, and renew right spirits within us. This, and this only, heals wounded con- sciences, washes polluted souls, and raises the dead in trespasses and sins. Wouldst thou then be made whole? Determine as St. Paul, to know nothing but Christ, and him cru- cified,: aim at believing, realizing, applicator), views of what he is, and what he has done and suffered for thee. Through all the Blonds of thy guilt and unbelief, which will vanish before our Sun of Righteousness, as mists before the material sun, behold him as the Lamb