THE TRUE PENITENT. 485 of God that taketh away the sin of the world, and thine. See the immense dignity of his person : he is God over all, blessed for ever and yet he condescends to be Emanuel, God with us, flesh of our flesh, and bone of our bone. Consider the inexpressible value, and incohceivàble efficacy, of his precious, all- atoning blood. It is the blood of the sacred body, assumed by the eternal Logos, when he appeared in the likeness of sinful flesh, both as a victim and a priest, to suffer the penalty of his own righteous law for u's, and to put away sin by the sacrifice of himselfthe blood of the Lamb of God slain to sprinkle many nations the blood of that mysterious Being, who fills the bosom of the Father, and the everlasting throne: at whose feet àli the heavenly powers cast their crowns ; and to whom, in the midst of the acclamations and adora- tions of innumerable companies of angels, in the midst of sounding trumpets, thunderings, lightnings, and voices, the spirits of just men made perfect ascribe salvation ; free, full, immensely dear - bought salvation ; and, to say all in one word, it is the blood of God made manifest in the. flesh, Acts xx. 28. 1 Timothy, iii. 16. For JEHOVAH our righteousness, is the Seed of the woman, and the Son of man ; the Godhead and the Manhood are wonderfully joined in him : and in consequence of this mysterious,nnion, he is not only a proper mediator between God and man, but the 'sole medium of reconciliation and union between the offended Majesty of Heaven and the rebellious sons of Adam. As the brazen serpent lifted up in the wil- derness, when vieived by the wounded Israelites, was the only means by which the poison of the fiery ser- pents could be expelled, and health restored to their tortured, dying bodies; so Jesus, lifted up on the cross, when beheld by the eye of faith, as bleeding and dying in our stead, is the only way by which sin, the sting of death, can be extracted out of our guilty perishing souls; the only antidote that can restore us to saving health and eternal life, 'John Hi. 14. Apply whatever we will, besides this sovereign remedy, we