Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

)26 AN EPISTLE TO THE privately and in danger. have won many souls to thee," it would have made their burden easy. But I tell the senseless and impenitent sinner, thou that de- niedst God in thy heart, and that 'deniedst them thy conversion, which was the end of all their labours, has dealt much more cruelly with them than they that denied the Levites bread. Poor Sinners ! I know that I am speaking all this to those that are dead in sin. ; but 'tis a death consisting with a natural lift, which hath a capacity of spiritual life, or else I would no more speak to you than to a stone. And I know that yóu are blind to sin ; but 'tis a blindness consisting with a reasonable pculty, which is capable of spiritual illumination ; or else I would no more persuade you than I do a beast. And I know that you are in the fetters of your own lusts ; your wills, your love, your hearts, are turned away from God, and strongly bewitched with the dreams and dalliances with the flesh and world : but your wills are not forced to this captivity. Surely these wills may be changed by God's.. grace, when you clearly see sufficient reason to change them ; else I would as soon preaéh (were I capable) to detils and damned souls. Your case is not yet desperate ; O make it . not desperate. There is just the same hope of your salvation as there is of your conversion and perseve- rance, and no more. Without it there is no hope, and with it you are safe, and have'no cause to doubt and fear. Heaven may yet be yours, if you will. No- thing but your own wills, refusing Christ and a holy life, can keep you out. And shalt thou do it? Shall 'hell be your own choice? And will you say you will not be saved? O think better what you do ! God's terms are rea- sonable, his words and ways are good and equal Christ's yoke is easy, and his burden light ; and his commands are not grievous to any, but so far ss_ blindness and a bad and backward heart makes them so. You have no true reason to be unwilling; God and conscience shall one day tell you,' and all the world, that you have no reason 'for it. _You mayas wisely pretend reason to