UNCONVERTED READER. 529 deceive thee: and whether as men use to talk against' learning, that have none themselves, so such men prate against conversion and the Spirit of God, because they have no such things themselves. Quest. 1. I pray ask them, whether it be a Puritan or Fanatic opinion, that men must die? And, what all the pomp, wealth, and pleasure of the world, will sig- nify to a departing soul? Ask them whether they will live on earth for ever, and their merry hours- and lordly look will have no end? And whether it be but the conceit of hypocrites and schismatics, that their carcase must be rotting in a darksome grave? Quest. 2. Ask them, whether men have not an immortal soul, and a longer life to live when this is ended, Luke xii. 4, 5. Quest. 3. Ask them, whether reason requires not every man to think more seriously of the place, or state, where he must be for ever, than of that where he must be for a little while, and from whence he is post- ing day and night? And whether it be not wiser to lay up our treasure where we must stay, than where we must not stay, but ,daily look to be called away, and never more to be seen on earth ? Quest. 4. Ask them, whether God should not be loved with all your heart, and soul, and might? Matt. xxii. 37. and whether it be not the mark of an ungodly miscreant ' to be a lover of pleasure more than God,' 2 Tim. iii. 4. and ' a lover of this world above him,' 1 John ii. 15. and whether we must not seek, 'first, God's kingdom and his righteousness,' Matt. vi. 33. and 'labour most for the meat which never perisheth,' John vi. 27. and strive to enter in at the strait gate,' Luke xiii. 24. and ' give ail diligence to make our cal - ling and election sure? 2 het. i. 10. Quest. 5. Ask them, whether without holiness any shall see God ? Heb. xii. 14.. Matt. v. 8. Tit. ii. 14. and, whether the carnal mind is not enmity to God, and to be carnally minded is not death, and to be spiritually minded is not life and peace ? and whether, if you live after the flesh, you shall not die and be condemned 17 3X