Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

UNCOKVERTED READER. 531 merciless oppressor, nor the malignant hater of a godly life, nor the perjured betrayers of men's souls and 'the gospel, or of their country's good ; nor such other men of seared consciences, whose misery none questions but such as are blind and miserable; it is not those only I am speaking of; but the common, worldly, fleshly, and ungodly ones. Quest. 9. Ask them, whether the name of a Chris- tian will save any of these ungodly ones? And whe- ther God will like men the better for lying and call- ing themselves Christians, when indeed they are none? And, whether they dare preach to the peo- ple, that a Christian - drunkard, or Christian-fornicator, or oppressor, or a Christian - worldling, needeth no conversion ? Quest. 10. Ask them, whether they say not them- selves that hypocrisy is a great aggravation to all other sin ? And whether God hàth not made the hypocrites and unbelievers to be standards in hell? Matt, xxiv. 51. And, whether seeking to abuse.God by a mock religion doth make such false Christians better than the poor heathens and infidels, or much worse:? And, whether he be not a hypocrite, that professeth to be a. Christian and a servant of God, when he is none, nor will be? And, whether he that knoweth his master's will, and doeth it not, shall not have the sorest stripes or punishment? Luke xii. 47. Quest. 11. Ask them whether in their baptism (which is their christening as a covenant) they did not renounce the flesh, the world, and the devil, and vow and deliver up themselves ,to God . their Father, their Saviour, and their Sanctifier? And whether all or most men perform this vow ? And whether a per- jured covenant- breaker against God, is fitter for sal - vatiQn that one that never was baptized? Quest. 12. Ask them, whether the holy nature of God be not so contrary to sin, as that it is blasphemy to say that he will bring to heaven, and into the bosom of his eternal delights, an unholy and unrenewed soul? 2 Pet. i. 15, 16. Quest. 13, Ask them, why it was that Christ came into