Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

53 AN EPISTLE TO THE the world, whether it was not to save his people from their sins, Matt. i. 21. and to destroy the works of the devil, 1 John iii. 8. and to ' purify to himself a pecular people, zealous of good works,' Tit.. ü: 14. and to bring home straying souls to God, Luke xv. and to be the way to the Father? John xiv. 6. And whether Christ will save that soul that is not converted by him, and cleansed from his sins ? Or whether it be the dead image only of a crucified Jesus that is all their Sa- viour, while they have no more of him? Quest. 14. Ask them, why they believe, and were baptized in the Holy Ghost? And, whether a man can enter into the kingdom of heaven that is not born of the Spirit as well as of water? John iii. 3, 6, 7. and that is not converted, and begins not the world as it were anew, in a teachable and tract - able newness of life like a little child? Matt xviii. 3. And whether it be not a certain truth, that if any man have not the Spirit of God, he is none of his ?' Rom. vii. 9. Quest. 15. Ask them, why Christ gave the world so many warnings of the damnableness of the Pharisees' hypocrisy, if hypocritical Christians may be saved ? And what were these Pharisees? They were the mas- ters of the Jewish church, the Rabbi.es, that must have high places, high tithes, ceremonies, and formal gar- ments,' and must be reverenced of all; that gave God lip- service without the heart, and made void his com- mands, and worshipped him in vain, teaching for doc- trine the commandments of men; and strictly tithed rríint and 'cummin, while love, mercy; and justice, were passed by .'ho worshipped God with abundance of ceremonies; and built-the tombs and garnished the se- pitichres of the saints, . while they killed and perse- cuted those that did imitate them, and hated the liv ing-saints, but honoured the dead; they were the bit - terest enemies and murderers of Christ, on pretence that he was a blasphemer, and a seditious enemy to Coesar and the common peace, and one that spoke against the temple; they were the greatest enemies of the Apostles, and silencers of those that preached