Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

UNCONVERTED READER. 533 \ Christ's gospel,' and persecuted them that called upon his ; name. And had these no need of Conversion, because they could say, God is our Father,' (when the devil was their Father, John viii. 44.) and that they were Abraham's seed ?, And are not hypocritical Chris - tians, drunken Christians, fornicating Christians, car= nal, worldly, infidel Christians, (the contradiction is your own,) persecuting .Christians, false - named hypo. critical Christians, as bad, yea, worse, as they abuse a more excellent profession ? Matt. xv. 7, 8, &c. Quest. 16. I)oth not the. Holy State, or heaven require holiness in all that shall possess it ? Can an unholy soul there see, and love, and praise, and de- light in God for ever, and in the holy society, and ern- ployment of the saints ? Is he not more like Idaho- metan than a Christian, that looked] fora sensuaL and unholy heaven. Quest. 17. What is the difference between the church and the world ? Is not the church a holy society of regenerate souls ? 'Yea, the church visible is only those that in baptism vow holiness, and profess it. Look these hypocrites in the face, and see whè- ther they do not blush when they repeat in the Creed, I believe in the Holy Ghost ; I believe in the Holy Catholic Church, and the communion of Saints,' who shall have the forgiveness of sin, and life everlasting. Ask them, whether they mean holy adulterers; holy worldlings, holy perjured persons? Ask them, whe- ther they mean a communion of saints in a tavern, in a play - house, in a gaming - house, in a whore- house, or a jesting, canting - stage -play communion ? If the church be -holy, be holy if you will be of the church : if it be a communion of saints, make it not a communion of' swine ; and make not saints and their communion seem odious, neither their infirrni- ties,, for their crossness to your Carnal interest or conceits. Quest. 18. Ask them; whether there be a heaven and a hell or not ? If not, why are they pretended Chris- tians? If there be, will God send one man to heaven,