Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

UNCONVERTED READER. 537 " READER, "HOW well it were, if there were no more un- converted ones among us, than ,those to whom this is directed ! Unconverted persons, how many are there ! but how few unconverted readers, especially of such books as this before thee! A play, or a ro- mance better suits the lusts, and therefore must have more of the eye of such ; what will cherish the evil heart only is most grateful. not what will change it. How many are there to whom this is directed, who will not know that they are the men ! and how little hope is there that this excellent treatise should reach its end with those that apprehend themselves not con- cerned in it ! Art thou not one of them ? Art thou a convert, or art thou 'yet in thy sins ? What is sin ? What is conversion ? lt may be thou canst tell me neither, and yet thou sayest a convert thou art : But to what purpose is it then like to be, for the servants of God to treat with thee about this matter? Let them bid thee believe, thou art a believer already : let them bid thee repent and turn to the Lord, that work (thou sayest) is not to do now. What can there be said to this man that is like to bring him to good ? Friend, know thyself better, or thou perishest without remedy. Thou mayest pray, but what hope is there in thy pray- ing? Thou mayest read, but what hope is there in thy reading? Yet read on ; this little hope there is, in this book t here's eye-salve that may heal thee of thy blind - "' ness. In this book there is a glass that will show thee thy face. Dost thou know thy own face when thou seest it? Behold thy very image in those marks that are given of an unconverted person; read' and consi- der them, and then say if thou be not the man. " Be willing to know thyself, and. to know the worst of thy case : wink not at the light hide not thyself from thine own soul, Wilt thou never know thy disease till it be past-remedy ?, " Much of our hardest work would be over, if we could. see the sinners to whom we are sent, to be con, 17 3 Y