Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

550 BAXTER'S I;IF'TY REASONS. may prove their damnation : and when heaven or hell must certainly follow ; that they dare put off a day or an hour, when they know not whether ever they shall see another. 2. And as your life is uncertain, so are the means uncertain by which God useth to do the work. He may remove your teachers and other helps, and then you will be further off than before. 3. And if both should continue, yet grace itself is uncertain. You know not whether ever the Spirit of God will put another thought of turning into your hearts ; or at least whether he will give you hearts to turn. 14. Moreover, The delay of conversion continueth your sin, and so you will daily increase the number, and increase your guilt, and make your souls more abundantly miserable. Are you not deep enough in debt to God already, and have you not sins enough to answer for upon your souls? Would you fain have one year's sin more, or one day's sin more, to be charged upon you ? () if you did but know what sin is, it would amaze you to think what a mountain lieth- already upon your consciences. One sin unpar- doned will sink the stoutest sinner into hell ; and you have many a thousand upon your souls already, and would you yet have more ? Methinks you should rather look about you, and bethink you how you may get pardon for all that is past. 15. And as sin encreaseth daily by delay, so conse- quently the wrath of God encreaseth, you will run further into his displeasure, and possibly you may cut down the bough that you 'stand upon, and hasten even bodily :destruction to yourselves. When you live daily upon God, and are kept out of hell, by a miracle of his mercy, methinks you should not desire yet longer to provoke him, lest he withdraw his mer- cy, and let you fill into misery. 16. .And do but consider, what will become of you if ye be found in these delays. You are then lost body and soul for ever. Now if you had but hearts to know what is good for you, the worst of you might be converted and saved ; for God Both freely offer you