568 BAXTER'S FIFTY REASONS. you know that they which run in a race, run all, but one receiveth the prize ; and therefore you must so run, as that you may win and obtain.' 1 Cor. ix. 24, 25. And what is more contrary to this than 'delay ? You are soldiers in fight and your salvation lieth on the vic- tory ; and will you trifle in such a case, when death or life is even at hand ? You are travellers to another world, and will you stay till the day is almost past be- fore you will begin your journey ? Christianity is a work of that infinite consequence, and requireth such speedy and vigorous dispatch, that delay is more un- reasonable in this than any thing in all the world. 50. If all this will not serve to make you turn, let me tell you, thát whileyou are delaying, your judgment doth not delay ; and that when it cornes these delays will mul- tiply your misery, and the remembrance of them will be your everlasting torment. Whatever you are thinking of, or whatever you are doing, your dreadful doom is drawing on apace, and misery will overtake you before you are aware. When you, are in the ale -house little thinking of damnation, even then is your damnation coming' in haste ; when you are drowned in the plea- sure or cares of the world, your judgment is still hasten- ing. You may delay, but it will not delay. It is the saying of the holy Ghost, 2 Pet. ii. 3. Whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.' You may. slumber, and that so care- lessly, that we cannot awake you, but your damnation slumbereth not, nor bath not done of a long time, while you thought_ it slumbered ; and when it comes it will awaken you.As a man that is it a coach on the road, or a boat on the water, whatever he is speaking, or thinking, or doing, he is still going on, and hastening, to his journey's end, or going down the stream ; so what- ever you think, or speak, or do, whether you believe it, or mock at it, whether you sleep or wake, whether you remember it or forget it, you are hastening to damna- tion, and you are every day a day nearer to it than be- fore ; and it is but a little while till you shall fear it. Behold the Judge standeth before the door,' James v. 9. The Holy Ghost hath_told you, 'The Lord is at hand,'